The club will be operated by a president who will be responsible for day to day operations. The president will be responsible for maintaining membership lists, collecting membership dues, managing the operating budget as determined by the Board, publishing the newsletter, setting up the annual convention, and administering the website (Home) The president may delegate any of these responsibilities to other members of the Board, but the president is ultimately responsible for them. The Board will consist of seven members. The president will delegate the duties of each member which will then be agreed to by the Board.
The board may nominate and call for a vote to elect officers. IAOC members in good standing, through the board may nominate and elect club officers through due process. If new officers are not nominated, the board of elections would need to distribute mailers to all members in good standing for nominations. Then another mailer must be sent to all members for a final vote on each board member. All board members will serve a two year term, including the president. The president may elect to add the position of vice-president if he/she feels it is necessary based on the workload.
Section 3a. The Amphicar Board
The purpose of the Amphicar Board is to provide trusteeship and direction to the club and accountability of its officers to the members. The Board will decide the club's priorities, have oversight on the budget as
managed by the president, and create bylaws and other organizational directives. Members of the Board will decide what services the club will provide to the Amphicar hobby and its members, as well as determine the
future organization of the club and elections.
Either the Board or the president will produce a report of all activities. The report will be presented to all members at the annual convention and/or in the newsletter.
The Amphicar Club is run by its members, for its members. The Board sees itself as representative of the members of the club. The club invites all members to write and suggest any changes or amendments to theBylaws at any time. These will be discussed and voted on by the Board.